Just noticed that i haven’t blogged for a while so thought I’d better say something!  Unusually, its hard for me to think of things to say – gasp I hear you cry!  Jamie with nothing to say?  That’s got to be a first!

Well the Reading Spiritualist Association seems to working well.  It’s now getting congregations/audiences of up to 50 people on a Wednesday evening which is great.  This finally means that we are starting to break even on a Wednesday.  Hooray!  We are even starting a development circle after the demonstration due to popular demand – I’ll let you know how it goes.

I have to say thank you to all those kind people out there that put my little dog Blenham on their healing lists – we’re starting to see the cheekiness come back now!  he’s still not completely better but as least we can see light at the end of the tunnel!